Pruning Auto-Flowering Cannabis

Unleashing The Full Potential Of Your Auto-flowering Plants With Pruning

Pruning is a standard practice to make cannabis plants grow better and yield the best. In the case of auto-flowering cannabis plants, the practice is even more crucial to ensure healthy bud development with that bushy structure.

Mastering the art of when and how to prune helps you enjoy the finest buds and the most massive yields at the same time. Regularly defoliating the extra foliage helps the plant receive the maximum amount of sunlight and nutrients, which are crucial to meet your final end; fine buds.

Ideal Time For Pruning Auto-Flowering Cannabis Plants

Knowing when to prune your auto-flowering cannabis plants helps you get the most out of your process. This key element can significantly improve the harvest and final yields. If you're planning to start growing cannabis plants professionally, make sure to practice the pruning process well in time. The ideally suggested time for pruning auto-flowering cannabis is during the vegetative stage.

Pruning leads to losing extra foliage, so you must pick a stage with a stronger plant physique. The vegetative stage of your auto-flowering cannabis plant is characterized by at least three nodes, making it the ideal process time.

Best Tips To Prune Your Cannabis Plant

  • Do not defoliate the plant to an excessive extent. Expert growers recommend pruning at two stages only; once during the vegetative stage and once during the flowering stage. Make sure to prune the plant well in time.
  • Keep the cannabis strain in consideration when you start figuring out various aspects of pruning your auto-flowering plant. This is crucial to look into, as Sativa strains do not require as much defoliation as the Indica ones do.
  • Remember that your auto-flowering plants possess a comparatively shorter vegetative span, so you must make sure to prune the plants within the right time frame. You don't have a large room for fixing the errors if any.
  • The most critical part of pruning auto-flowering plants is that the plant has a shorter time frame to regrow pruned foliage, precisely which is why you need to look into this matter carefully.

Pruning Your Auto-flowering Cannabis Plants Correctly

In order to master the art of pruning auto-flowering cannabis plants, you need to follow these three steps keenly:

  1. Trimming Off The Bigger Fan Leaves

    How to find out these big leaves? These big fan leaves are nearly as big as your hand and usually possess quite pointy tips that can tell you a lot about them. The plant has to put in a lot of energy and nutrients to keep the leaves healthier; however, they're not beneficial for the plant. These leaves can lead to weaker buds by keeping the sunlight from reaching them.

    This step involves snipping off these big leaves to ensure that all the buds underneath them are fully exposed to sun and air.

  2. Prune The Central Leaves

    Some central leaves growing closer to the buds overshadow them and consume most of the nourishment. These leaves hinder the way of sunlight to the buds. Also, the mineral, salts, and nutrients can be extremely wasted on these purposeless large leaves. This is the time to cut them off to ensure your buds do not end up weak and lifeless.

    Make sure to use sharp scissors for this part so that you do not end up causing excessive damage to the plant. Also, make sure to keep the buds untouched and completely safe during the course of this action.

  3. Trimming Off The Dead Leaves

    Use a magnifying glass if needed, and try to closely analyze which of the leaves are turning yellow or brown. Remove all these yellowish or brownish leaves that are still attached to the plant. This practice is highly recommended for enhanced circulation in the plant. This, in turn, helps the buds grow better and give you the best yield.

    However, if you observe an excessive number of such leaves, avoid this step and focus on providing the plant with adequate nutritional supplements.


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