
The Luang Prabang a Sativa landrace is named after a city in Laos


Luang Prabang - Sativa Landrace

Genetics: Laotian Landrace domesticatedHuge sativa Landrace
Origin: Luang Prabang is named after a city in Laos.
Latitude: 19° N
Height: 1600 m.ü.M.
Vegetative: 16 – 18 Weeks
Flowering: 14 – 20 Weeks
Height: 3 – 4 meters Outdoor
Yield: High
Aromas: lemon verbena, citronella, tangerine, lime.
Effect: powerful, long-lasting, active, cleansing, encouraging, meditative.
Features: explosive growth, resistant to pests, fungi and drought,
Growing type: Outdoor, Greenhouse, Indoor

Huge sativa, bestial growth, intense aromas of lime, tangerine and aromatic Herbs like lemon verbena resistant to difficult growing conditions, such as pests and fungi, and lack of water.
These Luang Prabang sativa plants are gigantic, their cotyledons express great power and strength, showing accelerated growth when they are seedlings and in all stages of growth in general.

The vegetative stage ranges from 16 to 18 weeks. It is a plant with a very thick and compact stem that turns pink A Look Into the Cannabis Flowering Phase, internodes are wide in some phenotypes and medium in others. The stems give off citrus aromas, huge leaves with 9 leaflets for the most part, with a bright, clear green colour that gets lighter as they grow. Most of them grow symmetrical and conical, others grow irregularly bush-like with several impressive central branches.

The flowering phase lasts from 14 to 20 weeks, during which it grows up to 3 to 4 meters high in optimal conditions; its flowers are a beautiful bright light green color loaded with resin. The Laos Luang Prabang are plants with abundant aerial flowers. Some do not stand out for the shape and the amount of resin production, but stand out for their subtle aromas that create a strong and long-lasting effect.

The most resinous phenotypes and with larger cultivars give off intense aromas of lime, tangerine and aromas like lemongrass and citronella, very intense and fragrant. The effect of Luan Prabang is powerful and long-lasting without being psychedelic. It is a very balanced and beautiful effect which keeps you active and in a good mood. Luang Prabang is a variety with a very clean, active and meditative effect.


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